crypto, dinosaurs, security, tech

Random bits

… well, literally… or pseudo literally? To generate 128 bits of pseudo-randomness: dd if=/dev/urandom bs=16 count=1 2>/dev/null| hexdump |awk '{$1=""; printf("%s", $0)}' | sed 's/ //g' Block size 16 =...
me, people, rememberance, tech
I wrote this almost a decade ago when walking with dona on the streets of San Francisco; today I learned that John Dobson is dead. I remember you, john; RIP....

1001 nights

My main server/gateway/everything finally passed the 1000 day uptime mark, a first for me (at home, at least!) $ uptime 23:17:43 up 1001 days, 3:06, 2 users, load average: 0.07,...