

 DARPA, philosophy, science, security, tech, work  Comments Off on DARPA Redux
Jan 272012

As previously said it looks like I know what I’ll be doing the next few months: working on a DARPA funded project that I submitted to the Cyber Fast Track (CFT) program.   I had paused because I wanted to confirm some stuff before writing more about it… here’s a brain dump of the process.  I’ll write up what I’m doing in a later bit. I’m still struck – […]

Faster than the bear & dodging the moose

 philosophy, security  Comments Off on Faster than the bear & dodging the moose
Jan 262012
Faster than the bear & dodging the moose

I was talking to mike lloyd tonight, a truly wonderful human being and one of the most viciously smart folks I know (he’s currently the CTO of Red Seal Networks); the kind who, if in the days of the musketeers, would put a blade through your chest and apologize profusely for inadvertently wounding you. We talked of the bear… you know, the old canard about the 2 campers and […]


 security, work  Comments Off on DARPA CFT
Jan 222012

I was just awarded a small DARPA contract through the Cyber Fast Track program which Mudge has been evangelizing for awhile now.  I’m still not sure how much I can say about it, but I will say more as time goes on… it was a remarkably painless process, I’ll say that – hard to believe that our big government can move so fast.

looking for a good man(1)

 dinosaur, mac, security, tech  Comments Off on looking for a good man(1)
Jan 152012
looking for a good man(1)

I like documentation.   Programs should have it.  But on the heels of the man path thing I did some more looking on my  Snow Leopard System. Finding all the SUID files outside the traditional /sbin areas shows a few more (e.g. “find -x / -type f -perm -04000 -ls”.)   Looks like 15 files, 8 of them by 3rd party vendors (good to know lazy coders are still out there): […]

walk like a /usr/bin/man

 code, dinosaur, mac, security, tech  Comments Off on walk like a /usr/bin/man
Jan 142012

Sometime, probably in the paleozoic era, I wrote a little perl script I just came across again.  At the time  I was frustrated by commands in /bin or /usr/bin not having documentation, even on a cleanly installed system… I guess I would think if something is important enough to install on a system you might want to tell your users what it does… so I thought I’d look at how […]