From A on B to C on D

 code, hack, security, tech  Comments Off on From A on B to C on D
Apr 272014

I find iptables to be a bit of a beast… so for posterity (or my own sanity, in case I lost this, I might recover from search engine caches!) this simply forwards a port (A) of a certain protocol from one host (B) to a second port (C) on a 2nd IP (D). Linux only, unless your OS happens to support iptables… no error checking, although it will echo […]

openssl… let me count the ways I hate you….

 code, crypto, philosophy, security, tech, Uncategorized  Comments Off on openssl… let me count the ways I hate you….
Mar 112014
openssl... let me count the ways I hate you....

I put a script or two on github; generates a CA and server and client certs, suitable (I hope!) for openvpn and https and all that. Based on the easy-rsa scripts, but I didn’t find them that easy to use. A haiku to openssl: openssl a black crane over the lake may you rot in hell                   Image is Hokusai’s “Mount […]