
 Permalink  crypto, security, tech, web  Comments Off on
Feb 052016

The free certs from https://letsencrypt.org/ do indeed work as described. I wanted to check them out for some public facing services I wanted to run. To get the certificate you run a program on a host that DNS resolves to the cert you want to get – so if “foo.example.com” resolves to, you need to install the cert generation program on, and have either 80 or 443 free (I […]

a bit of levity

 art, web  Comments Off on a bit of levity
Oct 112015
a bit of levity

Everyone.. and esp. me… needs humor from time to time…. from various sources, I present my kind of humor.

 Posted by at 5:01 am on October 11, 2015  Tagged with: , ,

What’s in a word, anyway?

 visualization, web, wine  Comments Off on What’s in a word, anyway?
Dec 102014
What's in a word, anyway?

People are afraid of wines. They’re uncertain about them, and the entire wine industry is geared towards exploiting those negative emotions and playing upon the consumer’s lack of confidence. When my wife and I started a small wine business, I was trying to figure out a way of helping people better understand wines and afford them an opportunity to explore them in a non-threatening way. So I started out […]

certificates and security

 crypto, philosophy, security, tech, web  Comments Off on certificates and security
Aug 052014
certificates and security

npm is the defacto package manager for the node.js javascript network programming environment thingee. The folks who make npm have taken a security leap: npm no longer supports its self-signed certificates Ah, they build the bastions of light and goodness, protecting us from the sins of the masses by standing tall. So… how do you install npm, anyway? Ah, yes, you look it up on their site… let’s see… why, […]

Linda and Doris rule the ‘net

 ipmi, security, tech, Uncategorized, web  Comments Off on Linda and Doris rule the ‘net
Jul 032013

Some misc ramblin’ notes/data on IPMI & SSL Certificates. So I used the SSL observatory software (oddly written, but still cool) to scan for certificates on a bit over 300K systems suspected of running IPMI (which in turn were had from HD Moore of Rapid 7 – thanks HD!) and who were on the net.  In case anyone else was interested in using the SSL Observatory stuff, it’s pretty simple once […]