I wrote this almost a decade ago when walking with dona on the streets of San Francisco; today I learned that John Dobson is dead. I remember you, john; RIP. The original link to his personal site no longer works… replaced with a wiki entry ;( This happened with a waxing moon about 88% full, according to the net…. Last night dona and I were walking along and there […]
More than this?
Lost in Translation is really a fabulous movie – if you’ve travelled a lot while being in monogamous relationships (and probably a guy, or at least of a certain mindset), and in particular tokyo or somewhere that is really alien. The sense of awe and aloneness… and the grandeur of tokyo, which I’m already in love with… Sofia just nailed that one. I don’t know what I’d think if […]
The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters
A monumental work… what a great line as well. From the immortal Goya. Always stay vigilant…. (Image from the truly marvelous Met Museum of Art web pages, they have wonderful hi-def scans of so much… thanks!!! What a tremendous way to bring art to the people – this bit isn’t even being physically shown right now, but I can get a real idea of what it’s about by […]
I realize this is a bit old now… but I keep coming back to it. For posterity. A wise sage once said: There’s an old saying in Tennessee — I know it’s in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — [pauses] — shame on you. Fool me — [pauses] — You can’t get fooled again. I really do wonder how he got elected […]
Thanks, peter
Peter Neumann introduced me to another Peter, the author of this delightful lil’ missive below. Thanks P^2. [5] Elias, P., “Two famous papers” (Editorial), Sep. 1958, p. 99. TWO FAMOUS PAPERS PETER ELIAS It is common in editorials to discuss matters of general policy and not specific research. But the two papers I would like to describe have been written so often, by so many different authors under so […]